Day 22, 20 Workouts To Go
As a reward for all the distance you covered in yesterday’s workout, give yourself an easy day: Either complete rest or a relaxing walk. But, even though you’re resting, do some of the stretches; just be careful.
Day 23, 19 Workouts To Go
Warmup: Walk for 10 minutes; jog very easily for two minutes; do your stretching. Make sure you stretch very slowly and smoothly. Concentrate on hamstrings, quadriceps, and calf muscles.
Workout: Try to jog between a mile and 1.5 miles as easily as possible. Then, walk for eight minutes. Finally, start jogging again, trying to cover the same distance. Remember that even if you can’t jog more than 600 yards at a time, walking is part of building. Be patient about your progress. Jog as much as you can and walk the rest. Your total distance, however, should be well past two miles.
Cooldown: Walk for about six more minutes as a cooldown. When you get home, repeat your warmup stretches. Be gentle and don’t bounce.
Day 24, 18 Workouts To Go
Warmup… Workout… Cooldown. This is your easy day or day of complete rest. But if your working out is a necessary part of your fun, don’t deny yourself. Just keep it easy and under two miles.
Day 25, 17 Workouts To Go
Warmup: Walk for eight minutes, jog for two to four minutes, and stretch. Make sure you include the wall pushup for calf muscles and remember to keep your heels down.
Workout: Once more try to cover close to three miles. Either three ¾ mile jogs with 440-yard walks in between or two 1 ½ mile jogs with whatever walk you need to recover should do it. Try to jog as far as you can at one time, but don’t push to do the entire three miles; instead, break up the running with a short walk between each segment.
Cooldown: Walk for six minutes and repeat your stretches.
Day 26, 16 Workouts To Go
In this workout, you are going to cover from 3 to 3 ½ miles. Don’t give up on it. Just convert the
Day 27, 15 Workouts To Go
This is an easy one: REST. If you don’t work out today, then get out and walk easily (you have a hard workout tomorrow) just keep your tone up. And of course, work on your stretching.
Day 28, 14 Workouts To Go
Warmup: Walk or jog for four minutes. Gently stretch your calf and hamstring muscles.
Workout: After a full month of working out, you’re ready for your longest yet: Four miles. Not all at once. Break it down into whatever is best for you. Either four one-mile jogs with about six minutes of walking between each, or two two-mile workouts. Don’t think about the total distance. Concentrate on completing one segment at a time. Remember, you’re training, not racing. Time is not important, but getting there is. Cooldown: Walk at the end of your run. Remember to stretch at home.