Story from 1987 Advance, written by Bill Welsh
If I told you that when I look into the mirror, I see the same body as Charlie Marsala’s, you’d probably want to know what brand I’m drinking.
But it’s true for me and it could be true for you. Underneath all that flab is the same body as the champ’s. Physiologically, he just operates on a different level – and the mirror doesn’t show everything.
Charlie certainly has more endurance, and he 48-second quarter-mile time probably gives him the edge on speed. Most likely, his muscle tone is better and his cardiovascular system may be more efficient.
But then, it should be. Even though Charlie is young, he’s been running for eight years, training regularly and long. His goal has always been to win races and he does. Charlie’s time of 3:39.5 in last week’s win at the National Invitation Meet not only qualified him for more prestigious races but also ranked him as the Numero Uno American at 1,500 meters. In 1987, the world had only seen four men run faster indoors or outdoors, and those four were all Europeans!
Maybe you ought to look in that mirror again. One of the things that can’t be seen but must be obvious is a goal. You just read about Charlie’s, but what about yours?
Realistically, your goal must be different. In fact, you may have many goals. You won’t train nearly as hard as the champ and, if you’re following the Countdown, you won’t burn up the track with your speed. (advanced runners can follow Coach Joe Stasi’s workouts for that)
Maybe you’re jogging for health and that extra zip you get from doing it. Also, you may be jogging because of the brighter outlook on life that follows, knowing that you look and feel better. A thinner waistline and hips, or slimmer and firmer legs could be other reasons. There are many reasons for working out, and most of them are good for you and your family.
Getting to the finish line on July 4th should be just one more goal – and not necessarily a major one. Furthermore, setting records and claims to fame should not be reflecting in your beginning runner’s mirror.
For now, it’s just not in the picture. But don’t be dismayed. If the image of a serious competitor is the one you’re looking for, just be patient. Good things come to those who wait and work.
As for me, I always wanted to dunk a basketball. Let me take another look in that mirror. Could that be Gunnar Oberg I see?
Legendary Coach Bill Welsh – Editor of the 80’s Advance Countdown